Monday, May 16, 2016

Bengals Player Campaign

On behalf of the entire Cincinnati Bengals, Hello. 
We are all so very excited for this upcoming season and with that, this new event. Our campaign to become more acquainted and understood with our fans and the community is something that hits all of us for different reasons. I am ready to feel comfortable in this city. My family is in Texas, and although I miss them dearly, I play for this city. Allowing you all into my world and let you understand me on a more personal level could only help you understand me as an athlete. With knowledge comes power, and we all firmly believe that if we could all just understand what one is going through on any given day, we could start to treat others with more respect and care. 

This campaign is focused around you (as fans), to learn more about us (as players). While that is the main focus, that does not mean we can't have fun with the process of delivering that new information. The photo contest that has been decided on is a great idea. We love to see all of the creative and unique ways our fans show their support for us on game days. Being able to sit down and look through all of the different submissions will be such a fun experience. We hope that you all are excited and have some questions ready for if you are one of the select few winners. 

The main event with the players speaking to the press and the 1 on 1 for the special guests, is something we're all very excited for also. Don't worry, if you don't happen to be one of the select few winners, you can still hear all of our stories. There will be plenty of media coverage and recordings from the event. Stay tuned to the Bengals official site, social media pages and mine as well, of course! 

***This blog post is for a class assignment and not a real spokesperson for an organization.*** 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

2016 Tire Rack Tour date change

On April 5th, 2016 the 2016 Tire Rack Washington, D.C. Championship Tour date has been changed. The event is scheduled to take place at FedExField. It just so happens that Guns N' Roses, the rock band, are touring this summer and have scheduled to play at the same venue on the same date. The SCCA Senior Director of Solor and Rally, Howard Duncan, explained that many of the event sites are used for major concerts as well, and sometimes these event date changes are just necessary. 
As the dates have been changed, the Tire Rack Tour will be moved from June 24-26 to now the 17-19 of June. The change was made to affect as few people as possible and only makes sense to be done this way. Although unfortunate for those who were already planning and scheduled for the tour, I believe the right decision was made for the given situation. If the concert would be changed that would affect far more people, vendors and other situations compared to the Tire Rack Tour.

In the situation I would say that I would 100% make the same decision based on the information given. The instance where there are two events and one is going to bring in a lot more revenue than the other, it is unrealistic to move the more valuable event in this situation because of the number of people affected. The quotes for a bigger and more expensive event could change dramatically, vendors could cancel, and tickets would have to be resold. With the Tire Rack Tour being a much smaller event, ticket changes, vendor changes and talent would all be a much simpler change.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Are you ready?

The Reds Opening Day event is a long awaited day that the whole city celebrates. The city shuts down 2 streets outside of the stadium to prepare for the fans and their celebratory activities. The area consists of a few bars and restaurants that will meet all of your needs for the day. Holy Grail, Tin Roof, Jefferson Social, Ruth Chris, and Yard House are all located within a block of the stadium and are prime celebrating establishments. 10 days and counting! #cincisidelineropeningday

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Reds Opening Day!

Cincinnati Reds Opening Day is only 11 days away. The Cinci Sideliner wants to make sure you are prepared for all the exciting new season is going to bring. Stay tuned to our social media throughout the next few days for everything Reds. #cincisidelineropeningday

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Reds Opening Day!!

As many of us know, the Cincinnati Reds Opening Day is almost upon us. With only 29 days until the beginning of a great season for the Reds, I know I am getting excited. We all have high hopes for the team and the excitement of all the games ahead is really growing for fans. Preseason games began on March 1st and with a few wins, the team is looking pretty decent for preseason. There are many underdogs on the team that seem to be making huge strides to make the team this season. The coaches have been implementing new practice drills during camp and are seeing a good deal of progress.
The Cincinnati Reds as an organization has been working hard this year to bring history and creativity to their museum and their Ball Park exhibits. On March 4th of this year, the Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame and Museum released a new exhibition of Bobbleheads. They had a ribbon cutting and media release that displayed over 500 different bobbleheads that have been given away since 2001. If you haven’t seen these unique and creative bobbleheads, make sure to check out the new exhibition at the Great American Ball Park.

As a local, I know I’m a bit partial; however, I have to say I am beyond excited for all that comes with the Reds Opening Day and the season ahead. The skyline, drinks at the Tin Roof before the game, the great view of the Ohio River from the Ball Park, and all of the great during game entertainment. There are so many different aspects of the Reds game season that has all of us fans counting down the days till we can finally enjoy another season as a Reds fan.