Friday, March 25, 2016

Are you ready?

The Reds Opening Day event is a long awaited day that the whole city celebrates. The city shuts down 2 streets outside of the stadium to prepare for the fans and their celebratory activities. The area consists of a few bars and restaurants that will meet all of your needs for the day. Holy Grail, Tin Roof, Jefferson Social, Ruth Chris, and Yard House are all located within a block of the stadium and are prime celebrating establishments. 10 days and counting! #cincisidelineropeningday

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Reds Opening Day!

Cincinnati Reds Opening Day is only 11 days away. The Cinci Sideliner wants to make sure you are prepared for all the exciting new season is going to bring. Stay tuned to our social media throughout the next few days for everything Reds. #cincisidelineropeningday

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Reds Opening Day!!

As many of us know, the Cincinnati Reds Opening Day is almost upon us. With only 29 days until the beginning of a great season for the Reds, I know I am getting excited. We all have high hopes for the team and the excitement of all the games ahead is really growing for fans. Preseason games began on March 1st and with a few wins, the team is looking pretty decent for preseason. There are many underdogs on the team that seem to be making huge strides to make the team this season. The coaches have been implementing new practice drills during camp and are seeing a good deal of progress.
The Cincinnati Reds as an organization has been working hard this year to bring history and creativity to their museum and their Ball Park exhibits. On March 4th of this year, the Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame and Museum released a new exhibition of Bobbleheads. They had a ribbon cutting and media release that displayed over 500 different bobbleheads that have been given away since 2001. If you haven’t seen these unique and creative bobbleheads, make sure to check out the new exhibition at the Great American Ball Park.

As a local, I know I’m a bit partial; however, I have to say I am beyond excited for all that comes with the Reds Opening Day and the season ahead. The skyline, drinks at the Tin Roof before the game, the great view of the Ohio River from the Ball Park, and all of the great during game entertainment. There are so many different aspects of the Reds game season that has all of us fans counting down the days till we can finally enjoy another season as a Reds fan.